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School Resource Deputy

East Buchanan Emblem- Bulldog


The School Resource Deputy (SRD) Program is a school-based community policing initiative and is an on-site program. School Resource Deputy becomes very involved in the day-to-day activities at their school. They take pride in becoming part of the school community and building relationships with their students.

The roles and responsibilities of the School Resource Deputy diverse range of duties. Some functions served by the SRD include law enforcement officer, public safety specialist, community liaison and problem solver, law-related educator, and positive role model.

The program is funded through a cooperative effort of the Clinton County Sheriff's Office and East Buchanan School District. It provides for educational opportunities as well as consistent positive interaction with the youth of the community, educators, parents, and local authorities. The SRD is a valuable source of information to investigators, patrol personnel, and educators. The presence of a School Resource Deputy is an important step in increasing school safety.

East Buchanan SRD vehicle with Det. Smith

Det. Smith head shotDet. Smith's home office is located in the East Buchanan High School throughout the school year. We at Clinton County would like all parents and students to know that Det. Smith is there to help students navigate the stresses of the modern school and home life. During the school year, we encourage any students or parents who have questions or concerns to reach out to Det. Smith either by calling the High School or going by her office.